Edgeboro Moravian Church |
Wednesday Bible Study - Each Wednesday evening we gather at 7:00 PM to dig deeper into God's Word for our lives. Generally the text to be studied is the one that the Pastor will preach about on following Sunday. This gives participants an opportunity to live with this text for the better part of the week instead of just Sunday morning. Please come and join us. October 26 - EPIC will be meeting at 7:30PM. Please mark your calendars and make sure you attend. Friday, October 26 HELP!!! We need more volunteers for the Halloween Open House 4:45 - 6:30 pm or 6:30 - 8:15 pm CALL/EMAIL BLAKE 610.954.5173/bpmessman@verizon.net October 29, 30, 31, November 5, 6, & 7 - Hear Ye, Hear Ye! - Mint making season will begin on October 29th and go through November 7th. The dates that the mints will be made are: October 29, 30, 31, November 5 and 6. The packing dates are: October 30, 31, November 5, 6, & 7. Look for sign up sheets to let Marcia Horning know the dates, times and what you can help with so she can schedule it all. Sunday November 4th is the Benevolence Breakfast from 8:00AM - 10:15AM. It is also the end of Daylight Savings time so don't forget to turn your clock back an hour when you go to bed on Saturday night. You don't want to miss the breakfast! Sunday, November 18th HARVEST HOME to Support Northeast Ministries - As we approach the Thanksgiving season, we think of a family gathering around a bountiful table. But for some in our community that bountiful table is an impossible dream. Our Harvest Home Sunday gives us the chance to give out of our abundance to help those who are suffering. Our donations will be going to help Northeast Ministries provide for the families that they are currently serving. A box will be available inside the front door of the church to place your donations. You may begin dropping off your donations at anytime. Suggested items to bring: Potatoes, Rice, Beans, Canned Fruit, Canned Meats, Cookies, Crackers, Baby Food, Spaghetti Sauce, Coffee, Canned Soups Tea, Paper Products, Sugar, Breakfast Cereal, Hot Chocolate Mixes, Fruit Juices (canned or powder), Canned Vegetables Crossroads Fall 2012 at Moravian Seminary
ATTENTION CRAFTERS - IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS ROOM NEEDED! We are in search of anyone who has some time and likes to make crafts that would be a nice addition to our Edgeboro Christmas Room during the Putz season 2012. What a better time than summer and early fall to get things ready for that busy time in Nov./Dec. I have a few ideas of my own, but would like to set up a meeting of the minds to share ideas and plan time to either possibly work together or on your own. I will certainly try and work around your time availability. For convenience, please email: Megan Weikert at meggstar@rcn.com or call my cell: 610-392-0910. Thank you so much! Greetings to all star makers - The Putz committee is again asking for white Moravian stars to give to each school child that visits our Putz in the coming Christmas season. Last year we surprised nearly 200 students with a small gift from Edgeboro as a reminder of their visit to our Putz. Some star makers like to work ahead and get their stars done in the summertime and not have to rush before Christmas. This year we would like the star makers to also string their stars with green or gold thread so they are tree ready when the committee receives them. Our thanks to all who participated last year and we welcome all new participants. Let me know if you’d like to learn how and we’ll set a time and place to get together and make stars. Darlene Borst 610-691-2983 (home) or 484-894-5573 (cell) Remember those delicious soups that you enjoyed at our Lenten Dinners? You can now enjoy them at home using the “Just Soup!” cookbook which is now available for you. We thank Darlene Borst and Myra Jones who have assembled the cookbook for us. The book is yours for the donation of your choice. All proceeds benefit the Benevolence portion of our congregational budget. The Mustard Seed Clothing Ministry - Can You Help Us? Blood Donors Needed - Miller-Keystone Blood Center needs more than 500 donors every day to assist our community hospitals in the lifesaving care of premature infants, accident victims, surgery patients and chemotherapy patients. To donate blood, you must be at least 17 years old and weigh at least 110 pounds. To schedule a donation, call 800-223-6667 or for more information visit GIVEaPINT.org. Moravian Historical Society seeks volunteers - Moravian Historical Society is seeking volunteers to join the Maintenance and Grounds committee. This important committee meets once a month in the early evening at the 1740 Whitefield House in Down-town Nazareth. The committee performs a variety of tasks including offering advice on landscaping and construction related issues, performing odd jobs around the historic property, assisting with rental properties and bidding processes. Volunteers should have an academic or professional background or a strong interest in landscaping and/or construction trades. Architects, architectural historians, preservationists, skilled craftspeople and contractors are encouraged to join. This is an excellent opportunity for retired and active building trade professionals who would enjoy contributing their time to the third oldest historical society in Pennsylvania. Help is especially needed during the week. Please contact 610-759-5070 or info@moravianhistoricalsociety.org for details. |
645 Hamilton Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017 610-866-8793 |