"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – July ’22

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

I’ve enjoyed my new front-page writing format, so for the third monthly newsletter in a row, I’ll offer three things: list-writing prompts, a resource, and a prayer.

(1) List-Writing Prompts

The fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) came up in worship a few Sundays ago (June 26), and so we made lists during the worship service. That’s not a typical thing we do in worship, so here was my thought behind it: The fruits of the Spirit got me thinking about other famous lists in the Bible (Ten Commandments, the seven days of creation, the books of the Bible themselves, genealogies, etc.), which then made me think of a journaling book on my shelf.

The book is Spirit Listography: My Inner Self In Lists by Lisa Nola, and from the dozens of list-writing prompts in the book, I borrowed three of them that we used in worship. They were: Stories that inspire me; Good choices I’ve made; and Things I would tell my teenage self.

Upon reading these prompts, you may already start to wonder what might appear on your list. There’s only one way to find out (Start writing). And maybe you’re even wondering what other people would put on their lists. I guess there’s only one way to find that out too (Ask)!

I was very excited by the collective wisdom that came from those sitting in the pews that day when we had the opportunity to share parts of our lists with each other, and so I wanted to share them with a wider audience.

(2) Resource: Resolutions of the Moravian Church – Northern Province on Social Issues

Many social issues have occupied our thoughts and conversations recently. Perhaps you have wondered how the Moravian Church Northern Province has approached these issues. If so, I’ll offer a reminder of a resource that will help.

The resource is a document that is named in the subtitle above. The Church and Society Committee of the 1986 synod of the Northern Province was first tasked with creating a collection of all synod resolutions regarding a variety of social issues. This 100+ page document has been updated after each synod and all resolutions are sorted by social issue.

It’s important to note how the words of these resolutions were written. You will not read or hear the voice of an individual as you might in a press release, a talk show, a Twitter post, or in a pulpit. Instead, in these resolutions you will read the result of the prayerful communal discernment of hundreds of Moravians from the Northern Province gathered together in a certain place, time, and context.

If you would like to see this document, please let me know. I make this offer with the same hope that the 1986 Church and Society Committee had for it, “that this collection may be of value as [church] members consider ways to address social issues through education, social service, witness, and advocacy for change.”

(3) A Prayer for Safe Travel

Many of us (including myself) will be enjoying summer vacations and stay-cations. I pray that we all might find the joy and rest we all need as we experience the depths and blessings of God’s creation. So I offer a short Celtic benediction to bless our travels, however near or far they may be. (I first heard this from a good friend and colleague of mine, so I give thanks to him!)

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.
May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors.

In three greater things – Faith, Love, and Hope,
Pastor Dan