"In All Things, Love"

We invite you to support Edgeboro’s ministry. All your gifts make it possible for us to serve God and love the community through the ministries of our congregation and the wider Moravian Church. For questions about making financial gifts, please contact the church office.

Ways to Give


Click the “Donate Now” button and follow the directions and use your bank account, card, or CashApp account to make an online contribution to Edgeboro. One-time and recurring gifts are both possible. If you would like to make a designated gift (see list below for options), please specify in the “Special Instructions” box when making your gift. If you do not put anything in the “Special Instructions” box, then your gift will go towards Edgeboro’s general budget.

Give Online Now
Online giving services made possible by the Moravian Ministries Foundation.

Need help or need to make changes? Contact Valerie Kiger, Director of Finance at the Moravian Ministries Foundationvkiger@mmfa.com or (336) 725-2589 to update payment information, amend a gift amount, change or cancel a recurring gift, receive your giving history, or general assistance.

Edgeboro is incredibly grateful to the Moravian Ministries Foundation for providing this online giving service. They are the ones who cover all the credit card and service fees on Edgeboro’s behalf, which saves Edgeboro about $1,500 a year!

If you have the ability to do so, Edgeboro recommends using the following payment methods and patterns to minimize the fees that the Moravian Ministries Foundation has to cover:

  • One-Time Gifts: Use a credit/debit card.
  • Recurring Gifts: Use a bank account with a gift frequency of monthly.

At Church

Cash and checks can be placed in the offering plates during worship. Please use the offering envelopes in the pews (or the envelopes church members receive at the beginning of each year) if you would like to receive an acknowledgement of your gift.


Send your check to Edgeboro Moravian Church, 645 Hamilton Avenue, Bethlehem, PA 18017.

Stocks, Bonds, Planned Giving

Thanks to the help of the Moravian Ministries Foundation, Edgeboro is able to accept stocks, bonds, and planned giving arrangements as gifts. Please contact the church office for more information about making contributions in this way.

Kinds of Gifts

Most of the gifts Edgeboro receives are undesignated gifts. These gifts have no special note or specification provided by the donor about how the gift is to be used. These gifts go towards supporting Edgeboro’s general budget and operating expenses.

In addition to giving to our general budget, you can make contributions to the specific funds and special offerings listed below. If you would like to do so, please specify on your check or in the “Special Instructions” box when making an online gift. If you do not specify anything, then your gift will be considered undesignated and it will go towards Edgeboro’s general budget.


Almoners Fund
Established for emergency aid of Edgeboro members and friends.

Belfry Fund
Established to maintain/improve the church’s belfry.

Donald & Shirley Nagle Camp Hope Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established to provide annual scholarships for Edgeboro members and friends to attend summer camps at Camp Hope.

Endowment Fund
Funds invested for future ministries including but not limited to youth, outreach, leadership development, music, and capital projects.

Memorial Fund
Gifts given in honor of the church members and loved ones who have gone before us. Please specify who you are giving in honor of.

Organ Fund
Established to maintain and improve the church’s organ.

Other Causes

Supports mission and ministry within the larger Moravian Church and the community.

Joyful Noise
Each month, the Board of Elders chooses a ministry within the congregation or a separate organization to receive this offering.

Worship Flowers
Flowers for worship are sponsored by a church member each week, scheduled in advance. After worship, flowers can be taken by the sponsors themselves or can be given to another church member. Please contact the church office if you are interested in providing flowers for worship.

Other ministries or fundraising events as they occur
i.e. Sunday School, Putz, Ice Cream Festival, Poinsettias, Easter Flowers, etc. 

Special Offerings

The following are special offerings which support the general budget.
Anniversary (Sunday nearest Oct. 25)
Ash Wednesday
Maundy Thursday
Sunday School Offering (Given by attendees)

Giving to Other Moravian Entities

Thanks to the Moravian Ministries Foundation, anyone can donate to any Moravian congregation, ministry, cause, and more through the Moravian Ministries Foundation’s Giving Portal!