God loves the world. God loves Bethlehem. God loves our community and neighbors. We offer the following lists and details to give you an idea of how Edgeboro is connected within the community and how we do our best to respond to the needs of our neighbors as we strive to love who and what God loves.
Community Partners
Edgeboro is one of six Bethlehem-area Moravian congregations:
Advent Moravian Church
Central Moravian Church
College Hill Moravian Church
East Hills Moravian Church
Edgeboro Moravian Church
West Side Moravian Church
Edgeboro partners with other Moravian ministries and organizations including:
Moravian Church Northern Province
Moravian Archives
Moravian Board of World Mission
Moravian Ministries Foundation
Moravian Theological Seminary
Bethlehem Area Moravians, Inc. (Moravian Village, Moravian House, Nisky Hill Cemetery)
Essentials Cafe
The Freezer Ministry & Garden Gatherers
Hope Camp & Conference Center (Camp Hope)
Interprovincial Board of Communication
International Student Care Committee (Central Moravian Church)
(Supporting international students of the Moravian Church attending Moravian University)
GIVE NOW to any of the above Moravian ministries and organizations and more!
Edgeboro works side by side with other community organizations:
Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering
Bethlehem Interfaith Group
Lehigh Council of Churches
New Bethany Ministries
Northeast Community Center
Offerings & Collections
Each month, we raise money for ministry projects and organizations. The recipients of these offerings, chosen by our Board of Elders, can range from Edgeboro ministries to local schools and organizations to national and international agencies. This has been an excellent opportunity for Edgeboro to become aware of and support all kinds of ministries and efforts.
Edgeboro collects items for a number of local programs and organizations. These collections are not ongoing – they occur and change as there is need. Edgeboro has indoor and outdoor donation drop-off areas to make it easy for anyone to participate, however, we only collect the items we need. (In other words, we don’t collect all kinds of donations.) Contact us at any time to find out what we are specifically collecting.
Annual Events
Edgeboro hosts a number of annual community events including the Ice Cream Festival (August), the Halloween Open House (public Trick-or-Treating day), the Christmas Extravaganza and the Christmas Putz.