"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – August ’24

Dear Edgeboro Friends & Family,

As I sit down to write the front page of this month’s newsletter, the Olympics are in full swing. Like you, I am amazed at the power displayed in weightlifting and rugby, the endurance in water polo and rowing, the cat-like reflexes in badminton and table tennis, and the overall athleticism in everything else. Though we can easily feel like armchair athletes and critics, make no mistake about it, we’re watching world-class skill on display – skill that results from thousands of hours of training.

Training is necessary to see results in physical feats, and it’s just as necessary when it comes to strengthening our lives in faith. The apostle Paul says this when encouraging his protégé, Timothy:

“Train yourself in godliness, for while physical training is of some value, godliness is valuable in every way, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (1 Tim . 4:7-8 NRSV)

Personally, I like Eugene Peterson’s take on this verse in his modern translation of scripture, The Message:

“Exercise daily in God – no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.”

So what are the ways that we can work of our “spiritual flabbiness” and work toward godliness? Worship? Daily Devotion? Engaging in service? Learning? Reading a new book? Finding a new opportunity to learn more about your relationship with God? The possibilities are nearly endless, but just to suggest something simple for this month, I’ll list some special days for Moravians that occur in August. These days would serve as great opportunities to take some intentional time out for prayer and reflection (otherwise known as forms of spiritual training):

August 4th is the Prayer Day for World Peace and Nuclear Disarmament in the Northern Province. This could be a day to focus our prayers on our national and international brothers and sisters.

August 13th is a special day in the worldwide Moravian Church. On this day in 1727, the Moravian Church was renewed in Herrnhut, Germany after the Holy Spirit moved Count Zinzendorf and many others to unite despite their differences to continue living in a community that would change the world. This could be a day to focus our prayers on the church and on our relationships with our companions in Christ, especially those who are different than ourselves. (This event will be celebrated with Holy Communion in worship on August 11th.)

August 21st is another special day in the worldwide Moravian Church. On that day in 1732, the first Moravian missionaries set out from Herrnhut and traveled to St. Thomas in the Caribbean. This could be a day to focus our prayers on the work and ministry that Jesus is calling us to do.

August 25th is the Prayer Day for Public Education in the Northern Province. Just before schools come back into session, we have the opportunity to focus our prayers on al the people involved in education.

May we be blessed as we see the results of our spiritual training in our love of others in the name of Christ and in our growing relationship with God.

Training with you,
Pastor Dan