"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – March ’24

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

I want to take a moment to write about our Lenten series for this year. It’s one that’s familiar to some of us because it’s actually one that we’ve done before! Once again, we’re focusing on the long-standing Moravian tradition of writing and sharing a lebenslauf (German for “life’s path,” a spiritual autobiography).

Our Moravian ancestors began writing their own lebenslaufs and sharing them in 1747 because they found this practice to be a powerful way to acknowledge God’s presence in their own lives and in the lives of their fellow congregation members. Five years ago, when we did this Lenten series for the first time, we experienced the power for ourselves. Back then, I shared my lebenslauf along with Helene Boyle, Val Hoff, Tom Pheiffer, Lacey Bacon, Terri Long, Jo Meehan, Olivia Lieberman, and Johanna Heft. I remember how those listening were blessed to hear how each of them got to Edgeboro, how they navigated through their joys and pains, and how God was with them through it all. The Spirit was felt in that space as they told their stories with honesty, vulnerability, courage, and faith.

During the Wednesdays of Lent, we have an opportunity to do it all again, because five years later…

…Over a half dozen Moravian churches heard about Edgeboro’s initial lebenslauf series experience and went about doing it themselves.
…Our lives have changed.
..We have lost loved ones, but have also gained loved ones.
..Our world has changed.
..There are new parts of our stories to emphasize.
…There are more people to hear from and more stories to take in.

Though you might not think so at first, your life story, your lebenslauf, can have an impact on others because it’s not just your story alone. It’s so fitting to hear the life stories and spiritual journeys of others and to think about (and maybe even share) our own during Lent because our stories are all a part of God’s story. The Moravian Church has believed for a long time that our lives and the stories we can offer are a powerful witness to God’s love, compassion, forgiveness, and faithfulness.

If you haven’t been able to be with us on a Wednesday night vet this Lent, please join us. You don’t have to attend previous Wednesday nights to be in the loop – each night is an independent event. Here’s how things work: Only two people (who signed up in advance) will share their lebenslauf with the group each week. The other people in attendance will have the very important role of listening and responding to the lebenslaufs those two individuals share. So far, Carole Schachter, Parker Hoff, and I have shared. Six other church members will be in line to share during the remaining three Wednesdays. Come (or log onto Zoom with the link posted on edgeboromoravian.org) and be captivated and blessed by these stories!

Lenten blessings,
Pastor Dan