"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – January ’24

Dear Edgeboro Friends & Family,

Happy New Year! Over the last few Januarys, I have noticed that my attention gravitates toward the Moravian Daily Text. I think it is a combination of getting a new book to use and having the opportunity to select new watchwords for the year. I find it amazing that for nearly 300 years, the Daily Text has offered guidance to millions with daily verses – verses which are selected in Herrnhut, Germany well over a year before the day they are actually assigned. The Daily Text continues to give us new, timely, and unique ways of looking at scripture and applying it to our lives.

A new year is upon us, so let’s see what is in store for us on day one: January 1″ – “Take heed, be quiet, do not fear, and do not let your heart be faint.” (Isaiah 7:4)

On the surface, these words are comforting. In context, these words are very comforting as well as challenging!

These words come just nine verses after Isaiah first became a prophet. The first thing that God has Isaiah do is give a sermon to King Ahaz of Jerusalem, king of Judah. Ahaz is caught up in a complicated political situation. Two other local kings are plotting to attack Jerusalem because Ahaz foolishly went to the Assyrian king for his protection (their mutual enemy-the Assyrian empire would eventually send them all into exile). Ahaz is terrified, so Isaiah tries to comfort him by telling him
God is with him. Ahaz seems to be skeptical, so when Isaiah offers to show Ahaz a sign of God’s commitment, he doesn’t want to see it. Isaiah becomes frustrated, essentially says “too bad!,” and tells him God will send him a sign anyway – “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son and shall name him Immanuel.” (This should sound familiar!)

In the midst of King Ahaz’s fear, foolishness, stubbornness, and the complications of the entire political mess he got himself into, the promise of God’s presence is still there! It’s just up to him to see it!

A lot of comfort can be found in this watchword. In the midst of the fear, foolishness, stubbornness, and complications that we will experience this year (as well as joy, fun, hope, and growth), God has promised to be with us through it all, whether we like it or not. (And I’m going to go out on a limb and say that we do.)

A challenge can be found in this watchword, too. Seeking God and not letting your heart (your faith) grow faint requires effort. It requires prayer, reflection, worship, and service. It will require effort from us once again in 2024. God’s presence will be there, it’s just up to us to see it!

Thanks be to God for loving us so much!
In this new year, may we continue to seek God and keep the faith in the midst of it all!

Blessings in 2024, Pastor Dan