"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – June ’23

Dear Edgeboro Friends & Family,

Every other June (pandemic withstanding) is an important time in the life of Edgeboro’s region of the Moravian Church. This is when our synods of a district and provincial level take place. The Synod of the Moravian Church Northern Province (Theme: “For the Healing of the World”) will take place on the campus of Moravian University on June 22-25th. Please pray for this special gathering. Along with making this request, here are some details about this event.

What Is Synod? – The Provincial Synod is the highest judicatory in the province. This body will elect the president and the four lay people to be on the Provincial Elders’ Conference, elect bishops (as called for), delegates for Unity Synod (September), and other representatives for various Moravian boards and agencies, enact legislation, review the ministry of the church, plan for new ministry and initiatives, and more.

Synod Committees – The number of ideas, issues, and topics addressed at a synod depend on the proposals received, the conversations within synod committees, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To give you a general idea of what will be covered at synod, here is a listing of the synod committees: Care & Nurture of Clergy, Church & Society, Congregational Leadership, Emerging Ministries, Finance, Governance, Healthier Congregations, Lay Leadership Development, Missional Engagement Around the World, Missional Engagement in Our Neighborhoods, Relationships with Others, Spiritual Formation, and Stewardship.

People Involved – This Provincial Synod will have over 230 delegates (lay and ordained) from each congregation and ministry placement in the Northern Province (from California to New York and Maryland to Canada). It’s very important to note that while each delegate comes from a Moravian congregation or ministry, they do not come representing any views of any other group or person. They come with an open mind and heart, ready to respond to the movement and guidance of the Holy Spirit. These are the individuals from Edgeboro who are delegates that this year’s synod: Rev. Dan Miller, Tom Pheiffer, Jane Martin, Rev. Dave Bennett, Rev. Dr. Betsy Miller.

For each lay delegate, alternate delegates must be named to attend synod just in case a delegate cannot attend. While it’s likely they won’t need to attend synod, they still must be prepared to step in at a moment’s notice. Edgeboro is grateful for Jenny Minnich and Robyn Balsai for filling this role.

In addition to the delegates, there are many others who have worked and who will work behind the scenes to make sure this synod runs smoothly. These are the individuals from Edgeboro doing this: Johanna Heft (Administration), Carole Schachter (Head Page), and Mike Riess (Photography, Video, and head of a Moravian agency – The Interprovincial Board of Communication).

Outgoing PEC – The Provincial Elders’ Conference (PEC) carries out the work of the provincial synod in between synods. At each provincial synod, a new configuration of the PEC is elected. We are incredibly grateful to Sue Dreydoppel, Bruce Shoger, Ralph Wanamaker, Valerie Wagner, and Betsy Miller (president) for their faithful service to the Moravian Church on the PEC since the 2018 synod. Sister Betsy has served a maximum of three terms as PEC President, meaning that a new person will be elected to this position at this synod. (District Presidents Melissa Johnson, Bruce Nelson, and David Jones, who are also PEC members, are each elected at district synods, thus they will remain on the PEC.)

More information, stories, initiatives, and statements that come from this synod will be widely shared afterward. With all of this in mind, please pray for this upcoming synod.

Praying with you,
Pastor Dan