"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – December ’21

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

I know Christmas is on everyone’s mind right now – I mean, I was indulging on Christmas music far too early this year myself – but I do want to take a page from Thanksgiving for a moment and give some thanks where it is due.

We are coming to the end of another very challenging year. Some things returned to normal, while other things either kind of did or didn’t at all. Covid protocols changed and lines between what is “acceptable” and “unacceptable” became blurred. All the while vaccines were introduced,  supply chains were disrupted, new political lines were drawn, and current events continued to shape our world. These challenges impacted us all, and of course, they impacted the church too.

This year was incredibly difficult to navigate at the church. In 2020, the challenges revolved around doing ministry without being able to be physically together. In 2021, the question has been, “can we do this like we did in 2019, or do we do what we did in 2020, or do we do something new altogether?” From worshiping outside, to livestreaming and worshiping outside, to home and hospital visits, to serving Communion, lovefeast, and candles, nearly every aspect of church was planned with some form of that question in mind. There was a lot to figure out this year, so I just wanted to give thanks.

Thank you for going along with the ride and trying things out, even if there were some things done in ways you personally might have gone about doing differently. Thank you for your grace and your passion. Thank you for your willingness to remain together. Thank you for your efforts and gifts to maintain and reestablish the ministries that make this place Edgeboro. Thank you for figuring out how to “be church” this year.

The joyful challenge is that there is more church and more ministry to figure out and do together. With Christmas comes a meaningful opportunity to renew our spirit to do good in the church and in the world – we remember that’s exactly why Christ was born into the world to begin with, and we as followers are privileged to continue his work!

So be renewed, be restored, enjoy the traditions once again, and have a very Merry Christmas because there is more joyfully challenging ministry to be done and more opportunities to “be church” at Edgeboro in the future!

Giving Thanks for You,
Pastor Dan