"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – October ’21

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

First off, I just wanted to say a quick word of thanks to you all that make up Edgeboro—and even though quick, it is sincere.

On June 4th, 2016, I was ordained a Deacon in the Moravian Church—the first order of ministry. With the approval of an Ordination Review Committee and the Provincial Elders’ Conference, and a call to serve at Edgeboro, I vowed to take on the duties to study, pray, care for souls, teach, preach, and administer the sacraments.

On September 26th of this year, I was consecrated a Presbyter in the Moravian Church—the second order of ministry. With the recommendation of a supervising Presbyter (Pastor Janel Rice) and the approval of the PEC, I reaffirmed the same vows, five years after being ordained.

Nothing immediately changes upon reaching the second order of ministry—no title changes, added responsibilities, or pay raises come with it. Instead in the Moravian Church, this milestone stands for something else:

“In the service of consecration the Church spiritually encourages the Deacon, recognizes his/her professional and spiritual maturity, affirms his/her ministry since ordination, and renews its own commitment to serve Christ.

“For the individual, the service of consecration should be an occasion to give witness to the Christian faith and to rededicate him/herself to the ordained ministry.” (The Book of Order of the Moravian Church Northern Province)

Trust me when I say that I felt your support and affirmation, both in the moment and over the last five years, and I am incredibly grateful. However, just like baptisms, confirmations, and marriages in the Moravian Church, consecrations aren’t solely for the individuals. They are for the entire church—“[the Church] renews its own commitment to serve Christ.” With that reminder, I am truly looking forward to the ways in which we are renewed to serve Christ together!

One of the privileges that can come with experience in ministry, especially experience in ministry in proximity to Moravian Theological Seminary, is the opportunity to teach and exemplify all of that which comes with being in the ministry. Edgeboro is blessed to welcome new student pastor, Noah Smith. Below is a note from him. Blessings—Pastor Dan.

Greetings All! I am very excited to get started at Edgeboro Moravian! I am very grateful for the warm welcome during and after worship last week! Some of you may have seen me before from time to time over the past year observing outdoor worship in the parking lot. A little bit about me: I am a second-year seminary student, hailing from Winston-Salem, North Carolina as a son of the Friedland Moravian Congregation. I spent my summers at the North Carolina Moravian Camp Laurel Ridge. I love all things sports and music, and I write and play guitar in my free time. I feel most connected to the Moravian Church because of the aspects of Fellowship and unity in the Lord. Friends and colleagues at the seminary recommended Edgeboro as a great, welcoming community and I look forward to worshipping and celebrating with you over the next two years! Thank you, Noah Smith