"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – February ’21

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

Well, another season in the church year has nearly come and gone. Each year on the day of Epiphany, January 6, we remember when the magi from the east came to see Jesus – the first day when the newborn Savior was revealed to the outside world. The whole season after that – the one we just lived through that ends on Ash Wednesday – is all about looking with intention for the ways that Jesus continues to be revealed in the world.

So where have you seen glimpses of Jesus during Epiphany?

As you reflect on some moments from the recent past, here’s are some of my Epiphany highlights:

  • Witnessing a church learn how to worship on Christmas Eve in a meaningful way despite impossible circumstances.
  • Seeing church members contribute to online worship in different ways, often times new to them.
  • Hearing nothing during the quiet after a big snowfall.
  • Being a part of a neighborhood that worked together to dig each other out and, as the church, provide temporary parking for those that continued to dig out.
  • Being grateful for how many of our members and friends are healthcare workers, caretakers, teachers and school district staff, grocery and retail employees, and other workers that had to find a way to get to work in the snow much sooner than some of us did to attend to the needs of others.
  • Playing with the Edge Band that came together (safely) for the first time in months to play a song celebrating the life of our beloved late member and friend. (Video coming soon.)
  • Seeing more and more people I know get vaccinated.
  • Reviewing all the ministry Edgeboro did in 2020 despite a pandemic while preparing for

    church council.

  • Hearing about all the ways many of you, on your own, are helping out fellow church members and others in the community.

The season of Epiphany reminds us that Jesus has been revealed in the world through each of us. Now, we move into Lent, when we can take our knowledge from Epiphany and work to refine our lives as disciples so that we might continue to reveal Christ and his love in the world, find new ways to help with these revelations, and seek forgiveness for the times when we have not done any of that. May Christ’s blessings be upon us as we set out to do this Lenten work together.

Revealing Christ with You,
Pastor Dan