"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – October ’20

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

Over the last seven months, with everything compounding together, we have been through and have seen others go through a lot of stress, heartache, loss, loneliness, and division. The more concerning part might be that there doesn’t appear to be a quick ending in sight. As people of faith, we believe that nothing can separate us from the love of God, and in response to that unbreakable bond that God initiated with us, we are called to and vow to live with faith, love, and hope in all areas of life. Centuries ago, Moravians put this to words in the Brotherly Agreement, which has been updated over time and now known as the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living. (Copies can be found at any Moravian Church or at moravian.org.) While some of you might be familiar with this important church document already, I wanted to take the opportunity now to share a few parts of the Moravian Covenant for Christian Living that I think are relevant to things we have been or will be witnessing so that we can continue to keep in mind how we covenant to live with God, with one another, and with our neighbors.

As we ponder how to be generous and helpful to others in difficult times…
As we care for the environment and pray for those in the path or the wake of natural disasters…

“We deem it a sacred responsibility and genuine opportunity to be faithful stewards of all God has entrusted to us: our time, our talents, and our financial resources. We view all of life as a sacred trust to be used wisely.”

As we agree and disagree with others…
As we encounter political and racial divides…

“We will be eager to maintain the unity of the Church. Realizing that God has called us from many and varied backgrounds, we recognize the possibility of disagreements or differences. Often these differences enrich the Church, but sometimes they divide. We consider it to be our responsibility to demonstrate within the congregational life the unity and togetherness created by God who made us one. How well we accomplish this will be a witness to our community as to the validity of our faith.”

“We will not hate, despise, slander, or otherwise injure anyone. We will ever strive to manifest love towards all people, to treat them in a kind and friendly manner, and in our dealings with them to approve ourselves upright, honest, and conscientious, as becomes children of God.”

As we see the debates, protests, ads, articles, and social media posts, go vote, and see everything that comes with this election year…

“Considering it a special privilege to live in a democratic society, we will faithfully fulfill the responsibilities of our citizenship, among which are intelligent and well-informed voting, a willingness to assume public office, guiding the decisions of government by the expression of our opinions, and supporting good government by our personal efforts.”

As we worship in person or at home…

“We realize that our Christian faith must continually be nourished if it is to remain living and vital.”

“We particularly declare His living presence and Lordship over the Church, joy in the benefits of His life, sufferings, death and resurrection, and emphasize a close bond of fellowship with each other in His name.”

Thank you for all the ways – mentioned and not mentioned above – that you witness to your faith in Christ as members and friends of the Moravian Church. It truly has and will make a difference. I pray that God will grant us the wisdom, strength, and peace to be faithful witnesses each and every day.

Humbly witnessing with you all,
Pastor Dan