"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – January ’20

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

The Advent and Christmas season is the peak of our celebration and praise of Emmanuel, “God with us.” God has been with us from the very beginning – comforting us, guiding us, inspiring us, blessing us, and calling us. Reflecting on what we went through, knowing that God was at our side, can lead to gratitude and praise. What better time to do this than at the beginning of a new year and a new decade. So let’s take a very quick look at the last decade in the best way I know how – by the numbers.

I know these don’t tell the entire story, but here are some extremely rough estimates to think about:

In the last decade, Edgeboro has…

  • Celebrated the lives of over 50 saints who have gone before us
  • Celebrated over 100  baptisms and confirmations
  • Shown the putz to 300 groups
  • Held over 1,000 worship services
  • Made over 2,000 sugar cakes and pumpkin rolls
  • Served 3,000 meals at the Salvation Army and other places
  • Made 5,000 paper stars
  • Sung 5,000 songs (probably with some repeats!)
  • Welcomed 10,000 members, friends, and visitors that walked through the doors of the church (also with some repeats!)
  • Made 70,000 candles
  • Made 200,000 mints
  • Received over $1,500,000 in offering

To think that God has been with us over the last decade as we made each candle, sang each song, gave each dollar, celebrated each life, and greeted each person is incredible to think about! Thanks to you for making all this – and more – happen. And thanks be to God who has blessed Edgeboro and changed our lives in this past decade, and who will continue to be with us as we encounter the opportunities, callings, challenges, and blessings of the decade to come. May our past and Edgeboro’s past with God give us hope and strength for the new year and new decade!

With Gratitude & Hope,
Pastor Dan