"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – October ’19

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

September is always a fun month in the life of the church. Just like how many families are getting back into their fall routines of work, school, and sports, Edgeboro is getting back into all of the ministries that come with the fall – and with it comes a lot of excitement!

On Labor Day weekend, we tried a few new things in worship. Leading up to sacrament of Communion, we incorporated a couple prayer stations with dissolving paper, a “place of honor”, and a word search to help us focus on Jesus’ teachings for us that day. The following Sunday was Rally Day – the beginning of Sunday School. Sunday School students worked together in groups to find teachers throughout the building who were ready to share their favorite Bible story, which of course required all sorts of props including babies, multi-colored coats, and two ducks. (The babies weren’t real, but the ducks were!) Later that day, the Bethlehem Area Moravians (BAM) Picnic was held at Advent Moravian Church, where good food and fellowship was had by members of all seven Bethlehem congregations and a pick-up chorale band of over 30 brass, woodwind, and accordion players if all ages joined together to play Moravian hymns for 45 minutes! The Sunday after that was also exciting as the confirmation year began. This year’s confirmation class has 13 students (7 first years, 6 second years) – it’s the largest class since I’ve been here!

If that wasn’t enough excitement, there’s more! Edgeboro participated in the first ever Moravian Day of Service. On September 15th, all over the continent, Moravians were out serving their communities to the best of their abilities. The day began with Sunday School at Edgeboro. The students first packed shower caddies with donated items that were given to a foster care organization, and then packed donated school supplies and made greeting cards that were distributed later to other community organizations.

After Sunday School, the day continued with a lovefeast using new hymns and a liturgy that were specifically written by Moravians for the Day of Service. After the lovefeast, over 100 adults and children dispersed to serve in different ways.

One group stayed at the church to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches which were given to Trinity Episcopal Soup Kitchen for individuals to take with them after lunch to sustain them through the day.

One group went to the Salvation Army to prepare and share a free lunch with over 80 individuals. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were also made to remain there for the same purpose mentioned previously.

One group went to Sand Island to pick up litter.

One group stayed at the church to create gift bags using cookies baked by congregation members and the cards the Sunday School students made. These bags found homes with the volunteers and employees of the organizations where Edgeboro donated other supplies.

With some advanced planning, one group facilitated a donation drive for the congregation and the neighborhood. Items included school supplies, toiletries, and winter coats. Participants in this group also collected and picked up items from people in the neighborhood who indicated in advance that they had items to donate.

Pictures can be found on Edgeboro’s Facebook group or by searching #MoravianDayofService on social media.

There was some fear in doing all this in not knowing what will come with doing something new. There was some fear in not knowing what the overall reaction would be when it was made known that we wouldn’t really have “church” as we commonly know it on a Sunday morning. I think that fear melted away pretty quickly once people of all generations began to work side by side.

Some people had their eyes opened after not being aware of how much their church could do. Parents left with smiles on their faces after seeing their kids do good and not wanting to leave after doing it. And others left with hope after seeing and feeling so much of God work through so much of the congregation all at once. When all was said and done, Edgeboro had an impact on the work of 10 different community organizations!

For making this Day of Service possible, I am grateful to the Board of Elders, the Sunday School, and all of those who worked in advance to bake cookies, donate items, and do the behind-the-scenes things leading up to the day. I am grateful to our service event leaders who planned, prepped, and led each individual event offered (Andrew Miller, Peggy Leith, Gilda Pheiffer, Deb Hepler, Megan Weikert, Amanda Borowski, Val Hoff, Tom Shafer).

I am also grateful for all of you, not only for the work done on the Day of Service, but for all the work you have done and will do for Edgeboro and ultimately, for Christ.

Extending blessings to all with you all,

Pastor Dan