"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – September ’19

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

Did you have a good summer? I hope so. And if you’re not sure, you have through September 22nd to change that – the official last day of summer.

I think we, as a church, had a good summer, too. We helped the kids at Northeast Community Center’s (formerly Northeast Ministry) summer camp make tie-dye t-shirts. We hosted a fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School for 58 kids with the help of many volunteers. We went to an Iron Pigs game together and witnessed a victory. We cleaned out the church of many things that were accumulating in the corners of the building. We hosted a rummage sale that raised over $1,000 for Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering. We had a new little library and a kindness rock garden installed on the Elm St. side of the building by Girl Scout Troop #8417, which regularly meets at the church on Wednesday evenings. We had two outdoor worship services plus others that had us doing some things outside the norm. We have known Paul Silwamba for a full calendar year. We sent individuals to Camp Hope (See the report inside this newsletter.). Most recently, we hosted our annual Ice Cream Festival, which raised $1,800 for the church and, more importantly, draws hundreds of church members, neighbors, and friends together in fellowship.

There are some great things to look back on from this summer, but now we look ahead.

On September 8th, youth Sunday school begins again at 9:15am with Rally Day. Later that day, all Moravians and friends are invited to the Bethlehem Area Moravians (BAM) Picnic at Advent Moravian Church, 4:00-7:00pm.

Then on September 15th, something new! The first Moravian Day of Service will begin here at Edgeboro with a lovefeast at 10:30am. After the lovefeast, we will then split up into different service events (Litter clean-up, serving lunch at the Salvation Army, making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, making various craft projects, and collecting items for the neighborhood donation drive). Please sign up in advance for the service event you would like to participate in. A letter went out to the congregation in mid-August with more details. Go to edgeboromoravian.org to view that letter and sign up. (Note: There are ways you can help even if you’re not around on September 15th – see the aforementioned letter for details.)

This and Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, lovefeasts, dart baseball, sugar cakes, candles, mints, meals and sandwiches to make, Halloween open house, the putz – all of this is coming in the fall, and more, because who knows what will come up that God will call us to do!  Whether you have been a part of these things before and are eager to return, or you would like to try something brand new (new to you or new to the church), come be a part of what’s going on here at Edgeboro this fall!

Serving with you,
Pastor Dan