"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – February ’19

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

I have to admit, I had trouble thinking of what to write here this month. I usually try to write about a relevant topic or upcoming events in the life of this congregation, but with this newsletter, I’m sort of in-between times. We’re in between the seasons of Christmas and Lent, otherwise known as “ordinary time” in the church year, otherwise known as the season of Epiphany.

Just as Christ was revealed to the wisemen long ago, Epiphany is a season at the beginning of each calendar year to see how Christ will reveal himself in the world today. That requires discernment and planning. Right now at Edgeboro, that’s happening. The Joint Board met recently to talk about congregational goals for 2019. Ideas for Lenten programming are starting to take shape. VBS and Camp Hope plans are underway. Different events like the Chili Cook-Off and the Mystery Dinner Theater are in the works. Dinners, sandwich-making, breakfasts, sugar cake-bakings, fellowship events, worship plans, and so on – the ideas are coming. Though many details are “TBD” and not quite ready to share publicly, events will eventually show up on the calendar, announcements will be made, and the ministry will soon follow.

Now is the season in the church for ideas, planning, and discernment. Maybe we can also adopt this season for us as individuals. If we have not already, it’s still early enough in the year to think about our lives and our relationships with God in 2019. What do we hope to achieve? What is God calling us to do – and what can we do to be more attentive to the ways God will speak to us? Where might Christ show up? What ideas and callings are forming in our minds and our hearts? How might we serve our neighbors and give back to our communities?

If any of your reflections or ideas involve Edgeboro, but you’re not quite sure how, let’s talk about that sometime.

In the meantime, keep thinking, keep setting goals, keep seeking, keep scheming, keep creating, keep planning, keep going to Plan A, and then B and C and so on – because pretty soon, it will be time to act! God gifted you with an incredible mind, amazing talents, and also gifted you with the presence and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Be blessed in this “ordinary time” as you continue to search for Jesus in your life and remain faithful to his commandments.

Creating for the Creator,
Scheming for the Savior,
And seeking for the Spirit with you,
Pastor Dan