"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – April ’19

Dear Edgeboro Family & Friends,

There are a few stories that I’m really getting into lately. On paper, I’ve been captivated by The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, even though I’m a few years late to the game. On the big screen, I’m almost caught up with all the superhero movies that make up the Marvel Cinematic Universe and I, along with so many others, can’t wait to see the movie that will cap off the entire storyline later this month, Avengers: Endgame.

You know what other stories that I’m really getting into lately? The lebenslaufs (“life journeys”, life stories) that are being shared here on Wednesday nights during our Lenten Series. Our Moravian ancestors began writing their own lebenslaufs and sharing them in 1747 because they found this practice to be a powerful way to acknowledge God’s presence with them through their own lives and the lives of their fellow congregation members. As we have engaged with this tradition over the last few Wednesdays, we have experienced the power of lebenslaufs for ourselves.

So far, we have been moved to laughter and tears by the lebenslaufs shared by Helene Boyle, Val Hoff, Tom Pheiffer, and Lacey Bacon—and I’m not just using that as a figure of speech! Those listening were blessed to hear how each of the four of them got to Edgeboro and how they navigated through their joys and pains as God’s spirit weaved throughout all of it. For each of those who have and who will share their lebenslaufs during this Lenten Series, thank you for your honesty, vulnerability, courage, and faith. I will extend more gratitude to those who have joined us so far for your loving support, listening ear, and the encouraging environment you all have provided for those who have chosen to share their lebenslauf.

For those that have not been able to attend a Wednesday night this year, I should just note that when you attend, no one will put you on the spot to share your lebenslauf, or even talk in front of the group if you don’t want to. Only two people a week sign up in advance to share their lebenslaufs. The majority of people attending have chosen not to share their lebenslauf with the large group, but instead have chosen to listen and respond to the lebenslaufs of others, and some of them have chosen to begin writing their own lebenslauf for themselves to read and think about. So having said that, I extend an open invitation for you to attend the remaining sessions of this Lenten Series (ending April 10th).

Though we might not think so, our own story can have an impact on others because it’s not just our story alone—it’s a part of God’s story. That’s why it’s so fitting that during this Lent, the sharing of our stories will lead right into the sharing of one of the most, if not the most, important parts of God’s story—the forgiveness of our sins through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Come be captivated and blessed by these stories!

Lenten blessings,
Pastor Dan