"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – September ’18

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

Another summer is just about in the books – at least it will be on September 23rd. During the summer, the church saw a number of things take place. Vacation Bible School was a fun-packed week once again involving over 130 people (plus parents and loved ones). Provincial Synod gathered hundreds of Moravians together to talk about God’s many callings to the present and future of the Moravian Church. (Check out the most recent edition of the Moravian Magazine for a full summary of what took place at Synod.) The camping season is over. Edgeboro played an important host to the recent Moravian Unity Youth Heritage Tour group and will be host to a seminary student from Zambia. The Ice Cream Festival drew hundreds on a night that was a rare break from the summer heat.

There are some great things to look back on from this summer, but now is the time to look ahead. Are you ready to ramp up for the fall?

It all begins on Sunday, September 9th. On that day, we return to our regular worship schedule at 9:00am and 11:15am. Sunday School returns at 10:15am with a “Rally Day” full of games, crafts, snacks, and fun. Later that day, all Moravians and friends are invited to the Bethlehem Area Moravians (BAM) Picnic at Advent Moravian Church, 4:00-7:00pm.

Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, lovefeasts, dart baseball, sugar cakes, candles, mints, meals and sandwiches to make, Halloween open house, the putz – all of this is coming back in the fall, and more, because who knows what will come up that God will call us to do!

A new season is upon us and so I’ll ask again – are you ready to ramp up for the fall? Whether you have been a part of these things before and are eager to return, or you would like to try something brand new (new to you or new to the church), come be a part of the ramping up here!

Awaiting God’s graces and blessings with you,
Pastor Dan