"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – September ’17

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

Camps, vacations, Musikfest, the eclipse, and many things that mark the summer are mostly in the rear-view mirror and fall is coming up quick. Are you ready to ramp up again? Schools and universities will start their year soon, and in many ways, so will we.

On Sunday, September 3rd, we will have a camp-themed worship service looking back on this year’s camping season.

On Sunday, September 10th, we are back to two services at 9:00am and 11:15am. Sunday School also returns at 10:15am with a “Rally Day” full of games, crafts, snacks, and fun. Later that afternoon from 4:00-7:00pm at Advent Moravian Church, the Bethlehem Area Moravians Picnic will take place.

On Sunday, September 17th, it is Edgeboro’s turn to serve lunch at the Salvation Army from 10:00am-2:00pm. In addition to that, we will be having our Children’s Lovefeast during both worship services.

Finally, on Sunday, September 24th, we will be beginning something new in worship. Together in worship, we will be reevaluating how we are doing in different areas in our lives as disciples of Christ and challenging ourselves to grow in those areas through an adaptation of a five-week worship program called Percentage Living, written by Rev. Gary Marsh. Here are the topics we look forward to exploring:

September 24 Giving God a Percentage of My Day (Devotional Prayer)
October 1 Giving God a Percentage of My Sabbath (Worship & Learning)
October 8 Giving God a Percentage of My Time (Serving, Witnessing, & Inviting)
October 15 Glorifying God in What I Earn (Percentage Saving & Spending)
October 22 Giving God a Percentage of My Income (Generosity)

This series will culminate on the final day of the series on Sunday, October 22nd. This particular Sunday is when we will celebrate our church family’s 103rd anniversary with a lovefeast and a potluck meal after a single worship service at 10:00am. In addition to these special events, we celebrate with our church family in another way as we will pledge together on that day to grow in the areas of life where God is calling us to grow and to support each other along the way.

We are called to devote our entire being to God. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we know our commitments, relationships, and “life” can get in the way. Come join us as we take the time to support one another and to search for new ways of giving even more of ourselves to God.

To God be the glory,

Pastor Dan