"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – July ’17

Dear Edgeboro Friends & Family,

Remember when Jesus said to his disciples, “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”? (Matthew 18:20) That’s easy to forget and sometimes we need a reminder that Christ is with us as we gather with loved ones, as we work next to them at our jobs or at church, as we have a meaningful conversation with someone, or as we come to worship.

These words of Jesus definitely hold true for the people that have gathered and will gather for our youth summer camps. Our summer camping program has been a source of joy and growth for so many members and friends of the Moravian Church. Time and time again, campers and counselors come back from camp physically exhausted, but spiritually ignited to be disciples in their own churches. Camp is a tight-knit community which connects people together for years, and it’s difficult to recreate anywhere else.

Since I’m not from around here, I did not grow up going to Camp Hope, one of the Moravian camps in the Eastern District. Instead, I was at Mount Morris in Wisconsin (Western District) each summer for well over a decade. Wonderful memories took place there. Some of the best had to do with meeting great people who over time would become my future colleagues, mentors, and my best friends – one of them would become my wife! In the midst of all the music, games, jokes, costumes, and skits, I experienced God’s love first-hand. Camp was one of many important places where my calling to create opportunities for others in my camp, church, and local communities to experience that love too was crafted and refined.

This year, the camping season at Camp Hope is already underway and runs until August. Though I have not been to Camp Hope for a camp yet (Senior High camp this summer will be the first for me), I am sure that there are both youth and staff members who have reflections similar to mine above. They deserve an opportunity to be heard!

After the camping season has concluded, we will have a worship service on September 3rd that will be camp-themed to do just that. During that worship service, there will be songs, skits, stories, and lessons learned at camp this year and past years. Please join us at that time and please keep all of the campers and staff in prayer throughout the season.

A growing disciple with you all,

Pastor Dan