"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – June ’17

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

By the time you ready this, it will have been one year since I was installed as pastor here at Edgeboro. Can you believe it’s been a year already? That went pretty fast. It has been a joy getting to know you and serving alongside you. I look forward to what the next year will bring!

There’s another anniversary being celebrated this June that dwarfs my 1 year by a mere 274! Moravians have now been in Bethlehem for more than 275 years, beginning in 1741. We have been celebrating this anniversary at different times for the past year, but the final celebratory events are approaching soon.

The first event is called Moravian Day. This is taking place on the lawn outside of Central Moravian Church on Saturday, June 17th from 10:00am to 3:00pm. It is a free festival with food, music, displays, and games for the entire community. Each of the Bethlehem congregations will have their own display on the “Moravian Train” to give others a glimpse inside each one.

Another event, the Anniversary Lovefeast, happens the very next weekend. On Sunday, June 25th at 3:00pm, hundreds of people, Moravians and others, are expected to gather at Moravian College, Johnston Hall (North Campus) for a lovefeast worship service. Each of the Bethlehem congregations will be represented in various forms of worship leadership.

We have a lot to celebrate about in the past year here at Edgeboro. All the children we’ve taught, lives we’ve helped, meals we’ve shared, and events we’ve hosted, (and more!) are all reasons to celebrate. And that’s just one year for one congregation. How much more do we have to celebrate between multiple congregations and 275 years?

Come join with other Moravians and community members for these special events!

As we look back and celebrate during this month, whether it’s been one year or 275, may our celebration motivate us to look forward. Though Moravians have impacted the lives of thousands here in our community, our mission is not done and our love for Jesus will never be extinguished. May these anniversaries carry us forward to future anniversaries that mark our love and service in this community in the name of Christ our Lord.

Here’s to year 2!
Here’s to year 276!

Serving year by year with you,
Pastor Dan