"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – May ’17

Dear Edgeboro Friends and Family,

First off…The Lord is Risen! Even though Easter Sunday is past, let us not forget that the Easter season extends on for a few more weeks. Therefore, we still have reason to celebrate!

But the big celebrations, Palm Sunday and Easter, are now in our rearview mirror. This year at Edgeboro, they were big! More than 230 people packed the sanctuary on Palm Sunday to see 8 young people confirm their faith. Then nearly 300 people came to both worship services on Easter. You could just feel the Spirit in the air!

Now that these big celebrations have passed, I feel like I can find a few more moments in my schedule to relax a bit. Celebrating is great, but it takes a lot of energy! We’re entering that time of year where a lot of celebrations will be taking place – end of the school year, graduations, weddings, Mother’s/Father’s Day. Sometimes we might need to take a breath between these events.

We’re approaching a time of year in our church where breathing is very important. During Pentecost (beginning June 4th), we remember when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples. In the gospel of John, Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit into the disciples. In addition to that, the Greek word (pneuma) and the Hebrew word (ruach) for spirit, as in Holy Spirit, is the same word used for breath.

We continue to receive life by breathing – it’s obviously a very important thing to do! But do we think about breathing as a way of directly connecting with the Holy Spirit? Whether we just need to find a moment to breathe during the busyness of life, or we feel like we need a breath of fresh air in whatever we are doing, let’s use those times to stay connected with God. Here’s a prayer that can help us do just that in many different circumstances.

Busy? Take a minute anyway to pray the following words aloud.

Be still and know that I am God
(A deep breath in. A slow breath out. Keep reading.)

 Be still and know that I am
(There will be time, God’s time, for you today.)

 Be still and know
(Another breath. Another moment.)

 Be still
(Be held. Be loved.)


 Be still
(Wait. Watch. Listen.)

 Be still and know
(Life and motion and being in Him.)

 Be still and know that I am
(Love that won’t quit, all that’s fair and right.)

 Be still and know that I am God

(Reprinted with permission from author. Copyright © 2016 Rev. Brian Dixon. Keeping Time: Dances to the Beat of a Different Drummer. Published by IBOC of Moravian Church in North America.)

Living in the Spirit with you,
Pastor Dan