"In All Things, Love"

Miller’s Musings – October ’16

Edgeboro Friends and Family,

In this country, we celebrate many milestone birthdays – 1, 13, 18, 21, 40, 65, etc. Each represents a different season of life. It’s no different for milestone anniversaries as we celebrate them on the 5’s and 10’s. In October of 2014, Edgeboro recognized its 100th anniversary. Through 100 years of ministry, thousands of lives have been impacted in the name of Christ – a good reason to celebrate.

On October 23rd of this year, we will celebrate Edgeboro’s 102nd year of ministry with an Anniversary Lovefeast during worship (10:00am) followed by a potluck meal.

The 100th year is a milestone anniversary, but is there anything significant to #102? Not by our normal standards, but I did some digging. I have no idea if this is any indication of what the next year for Edgeboro will bring, but I’ll share what I found anyway in the hopes that it will make you think about the next year just as it made me think.

  • On page 102 of the Old Testament found in our pew Bibles at the church is an explanation in Leviticus of what to do to receive physical healing.
  • On page 102 of the New Testament, Jesus heals a blind man with mud in the gospel of John.
  • Psalm 102 is a prayer asking God for help and healing.
  • On the day that we celebrate our anniversary, October 23rd, the Daily Text watchword chosen for the day comes from Isaiah 64:1, which reads, “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down!” Here is an urgent request for God’s help in the world.
  • And if a theme is not occurring yet for you, then I’ll include something I found as a result of a quick Google search – the phone number to call to get help in the emergency of a fire in Israel is #102.

Is this official research? No. Is this coincidence? Probably. These are random findings that one person (me) put together, but this did make me think about what kind of year #102 can be.

In year #102, how will we be willing to let God help us? What will we be willing to let God do for us and in us? When in this next year will we be willing to step aside and let God happen? Will we let God help? How can we show God’s help for others? How will God use Edgeboro in year #102?

I hope these questions (and other questions that sprout from these questions) can help us focus on our willingness to let God work in us during another year of ministry.

I am very grateful to be on this faith journey with you. May God bless our 102nd year!

In Christ,
Pastor Dan